How to Whisk

Most bakers believe whisking is solely about getting the right circular motion, but is that really the most efficient way? Science says this motion doesn’t allows for proper aeration. Rather, side-to-side whisking creates the best shear force. Shear force is when one layer of the liquid moves toward another layer, creating air channels for the ingredients to become fully mixed.

Whether you’re a newbie to the baking game, or a frequent home baker, the proper whisking technique may be the secret power you’ve yet to harness. Follow these four simple steps or watch our video, How to Separate Egg Whites and Whisk. You’ll master this technique in no time!

What You’ll Need

  • Metal bowl
  • Balloon or French whisk
  • Liquid ingredients


  1. Place the exact amount of liquid ingredient(s) into the bowl based on your recipe. Grasp onto the middle of the whisk with your dominant hand. With your opposite hand, hold the side of the bowl to keep it in place and tilt the bowl slightly toward you.hand grabbing whisk from counter top
  2. Use your wrist to jolt the whisk in a side-to-side motion. The goal is a quick dragging motion to agitate the mixture or force the liquid back and forth against itself.Whisking Egg Whites
  3. Continue whisking side-to-side without allowing the whisk’s head to touch the bottom of the bowl.Whisking Egg Whites in a bowl
  4. Stop when the mixture appears incorporated.

 Pro Tips

Once you feel comfortable with the standard steps above, follow these pro tips to take your whisking to the next level.

  • Egg Whites: Allow egg whites to come to room temperature before beating. The egg whites will be runnier, allowing the egg protein structure to trap more air and build volume. For pro-whisked egg whites, periodically lift the whisk and take the egg mixture with you during the whisking process.
  • Whipped Cream: Stick a metal bowl in the refrigerator before whisking whipped cream – it helps hold the cream together!
  • Hand Whisking: Side-to-side whisking is the best technique for just about all hand whisking.

Practice your whisking skills by trying our Honey Vanilla Pancakes, Plum Cake or No Bake Lemon Icebox Cake and share your creations with us on Instagram. #BetterYourBake